About Us
Welcome to HT Hospital
HT Hospital is dedicated to helping you in fighting your hair fall problems. We specialize in the field of hair restoration, Dental Procedures, and Hair Transplant Treatment in Bhopal and Raipur. Hair Restoration is not only our business but also our passion. We are dedicated to helping you live a hair fall-free life and this is backed up by ongoing education, evolution, and innovation. We are committed to providing the best care to our patients throughout their treatment. Be it pre-surgical, surgery, and post-surgical appointments we are always available for you. At HT Cosmetic and Trauma Centre your well-being comes first. That’s why during your consultation all treatment options are explained to you – non-surgical therapies, Hair Transplant – different techniques of it, or combination of hair loss surgery and non-surgical treatment, and in some cases no surgery at all.
Our doctors Dr. Khushboo Pankaj Peswani, renowned craniofacial and Hair Transplant Surgeon, and Dr.Pankaj Peswani, Founder and CEO of HT Cosmetic and Trauma Centre, are known for their experience and their ability to re-design hairlines that complement each patient’s unique look. Our main purpose is to educate you thoroughly, which in turn will help you in making realistic goals and expectations. We will help you create a youthful, natural-looking hairline so you can relive your life with more hair and a renewed self-confidence.

Highly Qualified Experts
100% safe & clean space
Every patients is important
Choose after Consultation